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sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Sainte-Soline Claire, Vian Boris, Ramuz C.-F. French Short Stories 2. Nouvelles Francaises

Sainte-Soline Claire, Vian Boris, Ramuz C.-F. French Short Stories 2. Nouvelles Francaises sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

These eight stories by leading 20th century French writers offer fascinating insights into French life and literature and are accompanied by a parallel English text, making them valuable for both French and English language students. Among the diverse and entertaining stories in the collection are the wistful masterpiece 'Green Tobacco' by Clair Sainte-Soline; the exuberant tale of 'The Ants' by the post-war king of cafe society, Boris Vian, and a suspense in the nineteenth-century erotic tradition from Andre de Mandiargues.

2607 Руб.

Robbe-Grillet Alan, Ayme Marcel, Ferry Jean French Short Stories 1. Nouvelles Francaises

Robbe-Grillet Alan, Ayme Marcel, Ferry Jean French Short Stories 1. Nouvelles Francaises sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Originally written to entertain, move or chill, the eight short stories in this collection accompanied by parallel English translations now also help students gain deeper insights into French literature and life. Arranged in approximate order of difficulty, the range of stories is wide, from the stylized wit of Raymond Queneau to the beautifully written ambiguities of Philippe Sollers, from Pierre Gascar's exploration of childhood as a background to a tale of infidelity to Henri Thomas's gentle, ironic look at war. All make wonderful reads in either language.

2353 Руб.

Vian Boris Le loup-garou et autres nouvelles

Vian Boris Le loup-garou et autres nouvelles sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Cette nuit-la, Denis, le paisible loup du bois de Fausses-Reposes, s’apercoit avec stupeur qu’il s’est transforme en homme. C’est une nuit de pleine lune, et il va vivre dans Paris des aventures singulieres… Tout l’art de Boris Vian consiste a retourner ou subvertir toutes les conventions – celles de la societe, celles de la litterature –, que ce soit par l’humour, la farce ou le fantastique. Ainsi, il suffit qu’un mysterieux brouillard s’abatte sur une ville (L’amour est aveugle) et ses habitants, dans l’impossibilite de se voir ou de se reconnaitre, vont liberer leurs instincts sexuels au point de ne plus vouloir jamais recouvrer la vue… Mais le jeu avec l’imaginaire et le reel peut aussi deboucher sur des pulsions morbides ou homicides, ainsi qu’on le voit dans Les Chiens, le Desir et la Mort, signe «Vernon Sullivan». De la gouaille a l’absurde, de la feerie a la noirceur, le romancier de L’Ecume des jours joue ici sur toute la gamme, en treize recits brefs dedies a l’imprevisible.

1116 Руб.

Vian Boris Je voudrais pas crever

Vian Boris Je voudrais pas crever sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Je voudrais pas crever, poeme d’un homme jeune qui se sait bientot condamne, donne son titre a un recueil de vingt-trois poemes publies apres la mort de Boris Vian (1920-1959), et dont l’edition de 1962 a marque, avec quelques romans et nouvelles, le debut de sa gloire posthume. N’etait-ce point d’ailleurs une sorte de «chanson du neant»? Lorsque Noel Arnaud offrit a son tour l’edition de 1972, il y joignit quelques lettres de Vian au College de ’Pataphysique, l’institution pour laquelle celui-ci s’enthousiasma, passion qui venait apres tant d’autres et qui avaient brule sa vie, telles que l’amour et l’amitie, le jazz, l’ecriture, la liberte…

1069 Руб.

Виниловая пластинка Boris Vian Chansons Possibles, Ou Impossibles

Виниловая пластинка Boris Vian Chansons Possibles, Ou Impossibles sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises
Бренд: Philips

Виниловая пластинка Boris Vian Chansons Possibles, Ou Impossibles: наслаждайтесь музыкой в высоком качестве. Виниловая пластинка Boris Vian Chansons Possibles, Ou Impossibles представляет собой уникальное музыкальное произведение, которое позволит вам окунуться в мир французской музыки. Виниловая пластинка изготовлена из высококачественного винила, что обеспечивает отличное качество звука и долговечность. Вы сможете наслаждаться музыкой в течение длительного времени без потери качества звука. На виниловой пластинке представлены песни знаменитого французского композитора Бориса Виана, которые отличаются своей оригинальностью и неповторимым стилем. Виниловая пластинка Boris Vian Chansons Possibles, Ou Impossibles станет отличным подарком для любителей французской музыки и ценителей качественного звука.

3846 Руб.

Toibin Colm, Дойл Родди, Keegan Claire The Granta Book Of The Irish Short Story

Toibin Colm, Дойл Родди, Keegan Claire The Granta Book Of The Irish Short Story sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Lyrical, dark, comic or iconoclastic, the Irish short story has always punched well above its weight. Anne Enright has brought together a dazzling collection of Irish stories by authors born in the twentieth century – from Mary Lavin and Frank O’Connor to Claire Keegan and Kevin Barry. With a pithy and passionate introduction by Enright, The Granta Book of the Irish Short Story traces this great tradition through decades of social change and shows the pleasure Irish writers continue to take in the short-story form. Deft and often devastating, the short story dodges the rolling mythologies of of Irish life to produce truths that are delightful and real. Also includes stories by: Maeve Brennan, Roddy Doyle, Mary Lavin, Colum McCann, William Trevor, John McGahern, Colm Toibin, Claire Keegan and Kevin Barry.

2445 Руб.

Fforde Katie A Christmas Feast and Other Stories

Fforde Katie A Christmas Feast and Other Stories sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

A delicious Christmas feast of short stories from the Sunday Times No. 1 bestselling author of A French Affair and The Perfect Match. Add some extra sparkle to your Christmas by joining Katie Fforde for a perfect, romantic Christmas feast of short stories. Collected together for the first time and including one brand new story. Make your Christmas wishes come true...

2344 Руб.

Vian Boris L'Herbe rouge

Vian Boris L'Herbe rouge sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Dans son style etonnant qui mele la fantaisie et l'absurde avec l'emotion la plus poignante, Boris Vian nous raconte dans L'Herbe rouge les aventures d'un savant qui a invente une machine pouvant lui faire revivre son passe et ses angoisses. Sous le travesti de l'humour noir, ce sont ses propres inquietudes que met en scene Boris Vian, avec la frenesie d'invention burlesque qui l'a rendu celebre.

1193 Руб.

Mansfield Katherine Wild Places. Selected Stories

Mansfield Katherine Wild Places. Selected Stories sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

A beautiful new hardback edition of Katherine Mansfield's most vivid and distinctive stories. Katherine Mansfield was the only writer Virginia Woolf envied. Mansfield transformed the short story genre with her work, creating stories miraculous in their intensity yet seemingly so simple. The shift of a heart, the beat of a moment, the changing of the light: in these stories emotional universes are contained within glimpses. Mansfield only lived to the age of 34 but in that time wrote stories true to her indomitable spirit. A hundred years on from her death, Mansfield's biographer, Claire Harman, has created this new selection to show us the master of the short story form in full flight.

3853 Руб.

Short Stories in French

Short Stories in French sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

This is an all new version of the popular PARALLEL TEXT series, containing eight pieces of contemporary fiction in the original French and in English translation. Including stories by Bolanger, Cotnoir, Le Clйzio and Germain, this volume gives a fascinating insight into French culture and literature as well as providing an invaluable educational tool.

2725 Руб.

Vian Boris Des bises du Bison

Vian Boris Des bises du Bison sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Boris Vian charmeur, tendre, amoureux, certes, mais aussi Boris Vian irreverencieux, volontiers potache, incroyablement inventif. Jusque dans ses ecrits intimes, l’auteur de L’Ecume des jours a toujours fait preuve d’une fantaisie et d’un humour a toute epreuve. Dans ces quelque 140 lettres adressees a sa mere, a ses epouses, a ses amis et a ses enfants, et a travers certains courriers qu’il a recus en retour, on redecouvre avec bonheur sa plume savoureuse et son univers haut en couleurs. Preface inedite de Nicole Bertolt.

2077 Руб.

Fitzgerald Francis Scott Tales of the Jazz Age

Fitzgerald Francis Scott Tales of the Jazz Age sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Tales of the Jazz Age is F. Scott Fitzgerald's second collection of short stories. It includes The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and ten other classic Jazz Age stories.

602 Руб.

Fitzgerald F. Tales of the Jazz Age

Fitzgerald F. Tales of the Jazz Age sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Tales of the Jazz Age is F. Scott Fitzgerald's second collection of short stories. It includes The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and ten other classic Jazz Age stories.

333 Руб.

Fitzgerald F. Tales of the Jazz Age

Fitzgerald F. Tales of the Jazz Age sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Tales of the Jazz Age is F. Scott Fitzgerald's second collection of short stories. It includes The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and ten other classic Jazz Age stories.

333 Руб.

Vian Boris L'Arrache-coeur

Vian Boris L'Arrache-coeur sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

Voila un coin de campagne ou l'on a de droles de facons… La foire aux vieux, par exemple. Curieuse institution ! On sait bien aussi que tous les enfants peuvent voler comme des oiseaux des qu'ils etendent leurs bras- mais est-ce une raison suffisante pour les enfermer derriere des murs de plus en plus hauts, de plus en plus clos ? Le psychiatre Jacquemort se le demande - puis ne se le demande plus, car il a trop a faire avec la honte des autres, qui s'ecoule dans un bien sale ruisseau. Mais nous, qui restons sur la rive, nous voyons que Boris Vian decrit simplement notre monde. En prenant chacun de nos mots habituels au pied de la lettre, il nous revele le monstrueux pays qui nous entoure, celui de nos desirs les plus implacables, ou chaque amour cache une haine, ou les hommes revent de navires, et les femmes de murailles.

915 Руб.

The Penguin Book of French Short Stories. Volume 1. From Marguerite de Navarre to Marcel Proust

The Penguin Book of French Short Stories. Volume 1. From Marguerite de Navarre to Marcel Proust sainte soline claire vian boris ramuz c f french short stories 2 nouvelles francaises

A major new celebration of the French short story The short story has a rich tradition in French literature. This feast of an anthology celebrates its most famous practitioners, as well as newly translated writers ready for rediscovery. Here are decadent tales, 'bloody tales', fairy tales, detective stories and war stories. They are stories about the self and the other, husbands, wives and lovers, country and city, rich and poor. The first volume spans four hundred years, taking the reader from the sixteenth century to the 'golden age' of the fin de siecle. Its pages are populated by lovers, phantoms, cardinals, labourers, enchanted statues, gentleman burglars, retired bureaucrats, panthers and parrots, in a cacophony of styles and voices. From the affairs of Madame de Lafayette to the polemic realism of Victor Hugo, the supernatural mystery of Guy de Maupassant to the dark sensuality of Rachilde, this is the place to start for lovers of French literature, new and old. Edited and with an introduction by Patrick McGuinness, academic, writer and translator.

7613 Руб.

A major new celebration of the French short story The short story has a rich tradition in French literature. This feast of an anthology celebrates its most famous practitioners, as well as newly translated writers ready for rediscovery. Here are decadent tales, 'bloody tales', fairy tales, detective stories and war stories. They are stories about the self and the other, husbands, wives and lovers, country and city, rich and poor. The first volume spans four hundred years, taking the reader from the sixteenth century to the 'golden age' of the fin de siecle. Its pages are populated by lovers, phantoms, cardinals, labourers, enchanted statues, gentleman burglars, retired bureaucrats, panthers and parrots, in a cacophony of styles and voices. From the affairs of Madame de Lafayette to the polemic realism of Victor Hugo, the supernatural mystery of Guy de Maupassant to the dark sensuality of Rachilde, this is the place to start for lovers of French literature, new and old. Edited and with an introduction by Patrick McGuinness, academic, writer and translator.


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