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hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Hall Edith The Ancient Greeks. Ten Ways They Shaped the Modern World

Hall Edith The Ancient Greeks. Ten Ways They Shaped the Modern World hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

They gave us democracy, philosophy, poetry, rational science, the joke. They built the Parthenon and the Library of Alexandria. They wrote the timeless myths of Odysseus and Oedipus, and the histories of Leonidas's three hundred Spartans and Alexander the Great. But who were the ancient Greeks? And what was it that enabled them to achieve so much? Here, Edith Hall gives us a revelatory way of viewing this geographically scattered people, visiting different communities at various key moments during twenty centuries of ancient history. Identifying ten unique traits central to the widespread ancient Greeks, Hall unveils a civilization of incomparable richness and a people of astounding complexity - and explains how they made us who we are today.

2865 Руб.

Fox Robin Lane Travelling Heroes. Greeks and their myths in the epic age of Homer

Fox Robin Lane Travelling Heroes. Greeks and their myths in the epic age of Homer hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Robin Lane Fox's Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their Myths in the Epic Age of Homer proposes a new way of thinking about ancient Greeks, showing how real-life journeys shaped their mythical tales. The tales of the ancient Greeks have inspired us for thousands of years. But where did they originate? Esteemed classicist Robin Lane Fox draws on a lifetime's knowledge of the ancient world, and on his own travels, to open up the age of Homer. His acclaimed history explores how the intrepid seafarers of eighth-century Greece sailed around the Mediterranean, encountering strange new sights - volcanic mountains, vaporous springs, huge prehistoric bones - and weaving them into the myths of gods, monsters and heroes that would become the cornerstone of Western civilization: the Odyssey and the Iliad.

3856 Руб.

Shaw Garry J. The Egyptian Myths. A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends

Shaw Garry J. The Egyptian Myths. A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Which gods created the world according to the ancient Egyptians? How did they explain the sun’s movements and its disappearance at night? In what ways did mythology permeate their lives? And what did they believe happened in the afterlife? This handy guide to Egyptian mythology explores how the ancient Nile-dwellers explained the world around them. The text delves into the origins of life, the creation and evolution of the world, and the reigns of the gods on earth, before introducing us to the manifestations of Egypt’s deities in the natural environment; the inventive ways in which the Egyptians dealt with the invisible forces all around them; and the trials and tribulations of the life hereafter.

3662 Руб.

Senker Cath Ladybird Histories: Ancient Greeks

Senker Cath Ladybird Histories: Ancient Greeks hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Ladybird Histories is a series of books about periods and people in history that children find especially engaging and that are often taught in schools. Each book is packed full of interesting and entertaining details that will delight all readers - from lifestyles, battles and important characters, to the influence of the past on the world around us today. Ladybird Histories: Ancient Greeks is the ideal homework help book for primary school children. Packed with everything they need to know about life in ancient Greece, this book is perfect for all school project work. It is packed with information about topics such as what the ancient Greeks wore, what they ate and who their leaders were.

1096 Руб.

Jodidio Philip Wood Architecture Now!

Jodidio Philip Wood Architecture Now! hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Wood is renewable and sustainable, solid and attractive. Wood can be bent and shaped to the most modern of designs. It is the material of the moment for contemporary architecture and this new volume allows readers to get a glimpse of the most exciting and dynamic new uses of wood in architecture from all over the world. Like earthen architecture, the use of wood is almost as ancient as building itself. The columns of Greek temples are stylized trees. Today's wooden buildings do all kinds of surprising things, and most of all, they are as "green" as they come.

3036 Руб.

Iggulden Conn The Gates of Athens

Iggulden Conn The Gates of Athens hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

A statesman is born, not made... Marathon. A Persian king stands at last on Greek soil. His Immortals have come to raze the cities of the west. The Athenians are hopelessly outnumbered. The gods are silent. All they have is the shield line. Xanthippus takes a breath. If they cannot stand, all Greece will fall. Thermopylae. Ten years later, Athens has betrayed its favourite son. When the Persians return, when they cross the Hellespont to take revenge on the Greeks, will Xanthippus come home to save his people? Athens cannot stand alone a second time. In desperation, the city calls on men of Sparta to block the pass at Thermopylae. To give them time. To give them hope. Featuring two of the most famous battles of the Ancient World, The Gates of Athens is a bravura piece of storytelling about a people driven to preserve their freedom at any cost.

2607 Руб.

Jones Rob Lloyd See Inside The Ancient World

Jones Rob Lloyd See Inside The Ancient World hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

A fascinating flap book with fabulously detailed illustrations and information about peoples of the Ancient World, including the Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. Lift the flaps to look inside an Egyptian temple, an attack by the Assyrian army, a Greek city-state, a Celtic tribe, Roman frontier town and much more. With internet links to find out more about the ancient world.

2164 Руб.

Tchaikovsky Adrian The Hyena and the Hawk

Tchaikovsky Adrian The Hyena and the Hawk hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

The unmaking of the world has begun. From the depths of the darkest myths, the soulless Plague People have returned. Their pale-walled camps obliterate villages, just as the terror they bring with them destroys minds. In their wake, nothing is left of the true people: not their places, not their ways. The Plague People will remake the world as though they had never been. The heroes and leaders of the true people – Maniye, Loud Thunder, Hesprec and Asman – will each fight the Plague People in their own ways. They will seek allies, gather armies and lead the charge. But a thousand swords or ten thousand spears will not suffice to turn back this enemy. The end is at hand for everything the true people know . . .

2444 Руб.

Boccaccio Giovanni Decameron

Boccaccio Giovanni Decameron hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

In the summer of 1348, the plague ravages Florence, and ten young Florentines take refuge in the countryside, where they entertain themselves with tales of love, death and corruption, featuring a host of colourful characters, from lascivious clergymen and mad kings to devious lovers and false miracle-makers. Named after the Greek for “ten days”, Boccaccio’s book of stories draws on ancient mythology, contemporary events and everyday life, leaving an indelible mark on the works of future writers such as Chaucer and Shakespeare. J.G. Nichols’s new translation stays as faithful to the original as possible while being written in a clear and eminently modern English, capturing the timeless humour of one of the great classics of world literature.

1977 Руб.

Riordan Rick The Throne of Fire

Riordan Rick The Throne of Fire hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Percy Jackson fought Greek Gods. Now the Gods of Egypt are waking in the modern world... EVER since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble. As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising. If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells . . . Can the Kanes destroy Apophis before he swallows the sun and plunges the earth into darkness . . . forever?

1711 Руб.

The Varied Cultures of China

The Varied Cultures of China hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

For thousands of years certain remote groups of native Chinese people have existed in near isolation. Separated from the mainstream world, these deeply cultural communities have maintained the old ways of life. Now, with the introduction of today's modern conveniences, they could disappear. What are these cultures? Can they be preserved before it's too late?

766 Руб.

Man John Amazons. The Real Warrior Women of the Ancient World

Man John Amazons. The Real Warrior Women of the Ancient World hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Since the time of the ancient Greeks we have been fascinated by accounts of the Amazons, an elusive tribe of hard-fighting, horse-riding female warriors. Equal to men in battle, legends claimed they cut off their right breasts to improve their archery skills and routinely killed their male children to purify their ranks. For centuries people believed in their existence and attempted to trace their origins. Artists and poets celebrated their battles and wrote of Amazonia. Spanish explorers, carrying these tales to South America, thought they lived in the forests of the world’s greatest river, and named it after them. In the absence of evidence, we eventually reasoned away their existence, concluding that these powerful, sexually liberated female soldiers must have been the fantastical invention of Greek myth and storytelling. Until now. Following decades of new research and a series of groundbreaking archeological discoveries, we now know these powerful warrior queens did indeed exist. In Amazons, John Man travels to the grasslands of Central Asia, from the edge of the ancient Greek world to the borderlands of China, to discover the truth about the warrior women mythologized as Amazons. In this deeply researched, sweeping historical epic, Man redefines our understanding of the Amazons and their culture, tracking the ancient legend into the modern world and examining its significance today.

2869 Руб.

Riordan Rick The Throne of Fire. The Graphic Novel

Riordan Rick The Throne of Fire. The Graphic Novel hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

Ever since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble. As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising. If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells . . . Adapted by Orpheus Collar

3101 Руб.

Burrow John A History of Histories. Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides

Burrow John A History of Histories. Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

For the first time in any language, the history of history, from the Greeks to the twentieth century This unprecedented book, by one of Britain's leading intellectual historians, describes the intellectual impact that the study and consideration of the past has had in the western world over the past 2500 years, treating the practise of history not as an isolated pursuit but as an aspect of human society and an essential part of the cultural history of Europe and America. It magnificently brings to life the work of historians from the Greeks to the present, explaining their distinctive qualities and allowing the modern reader to appreciate and enjoy them. But is also examines subjects as diverse as the new perspectives brought about by the rise of Rome, the interests of medieval chroniclers, the effects of Romanticism and the emergence towards the end of the nineteenth century of an historical profession. It sets out to be not the history of an academic discipline, but a history of choice: the choice of pasts, and the ways they have been demarcated, investigated, presented and even sometimes learned from as they have changed according to political, religious, cultural and (often most importantly) patriotic circumstances.

5586 Руб.

Nicolson Adam How to Be. Life Lessons from the Early Greeks

Nicolson Adam How to Be. Life Lessons from the Early Greeks hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

What is the nature of things? Must I think my own way through the world? What is justice? How can I be me? How should we treat each other? Before the Greeks, the idea of the world was dominated by god-kings and their priests, in a life ruled by imagined metaphysical monsters. 2,500 years ago, in a succession of small eastern Mediterranean harbour-cities, that way of thinking began to change. Men (and some women) decided to cast off mental subservience and apply their own worrying and thinking minds to the conundrums of life. These great innovators shaped the beginnings of philosophy. Through the questioning voyager Odysseus, Homer explored how we might navigate our way through the world. Heraclitus in Ephesus was the first to consider the interrelatedness of things. Xenophanes of Colophon was the first champion of civility. In Lesbos, the Aegean island of Sappho and Alcaeus, the early lyric poets asked themselves ‘How can I be true to myself?’ In Samos, Pythagoras imagined an everlasting soul and took his ideas to Italy where they flowered again in surprising and radical forms. Prize-winning writer Adam Nicolson travels through this transforming world and asks what light these ancient thinkers can throw on our deepest preconceptions. Sparkling with maps, photographs and artwork, How to Be is a journey into the origins of Western thought. Hugely formative ideas emerged in these harbour-cities: fluidity of mind, the search for coherence, a need for the just city, a recognition of the mutability of things, a belief in the reality of the ideal — all became the Greeks’ legacy to the world. Born out of a rough, dynamic—and often cruel— moment in human history, it was the dawn of enquiry, where these fundamental questions about self, city and cosmos, asked for the first time, became, as they remain, the unlikely bedrock of understanding.

4820 Руб.

Struthers Rebecca Hands of Time. A Watchmaker's History of Time

Struthers Rebecca Hands of Time. A Watchmaker's History of Time hall edith the ancient greeks ten ways they shaped the modern world

In Hands of Time, watchmaker and historian Rebecca Struthers welcomes us into the hidden world of watchmaking, and to a history of time that spans centuries and continents. The invention of timepieces was more significant for human culture than the printing press, or even the wheel. They have travelled the world with us, from the depths of the oceans to the summit of Everest, and even to the Moon. They regulate our daily lives and have sculpted the social and economic development of society in surprising and dramatic ways. From her workshop bench, Rebecca explores the ways in which timekeeping has indelibly shaped our attitudes to work, leisure, trade, politics, exploration and mortality, and introduces us to some extraordinary devices, each with their own story to tell. Hands of Time is an intricate exploration of the history, science, philosophy, and craft of timekeeping.

4866 Руб.

What is the nature of things? Must I think my own way through the world? What is justice? How can I be me? How should we treat each other? Before the Greeks, the idea of the world was dominated by god-kings and their priests, in a life ruled by imagined metaphysical monsters. 2,500 years ago, in a succession of small eastern Mediterranean harbour-cities, that way of thinking began to change. Men (and some women) decided to cast off mental subservience and apply their own worrying and thinking minds to the conundrums of life. These great innovators shaped the beginnings of philosophy. Through the questioning voyager Odysseus, Homer explored how we might navigate our way through the world. Heraclitus in Ephesus was the first to consider the interrelatedness of things. Xenophanes of Colophon was the first champion of civility. In Lesbos, the Aegean island of Sappho and Alcaeus, the early lyric poets asked themselves ‘How can I be true to myself?’ In Samos, Pythagoras imagined an everlasting soul and took his ideas to Italy where they flowered again in surprising and radical forms. Prize-winning writer Adam Nicolson travels through this transforming world and asks what light these ancient thinkers can throw on our deepest preconceptions. Sparkling with maps, photographs and artwork, How to Be is a journey into the origins of Western thought. Hugely formative ideas emerged in these harbour-cities: fluidity of mind, the search for coherence, a need for the just city, a recognition of the mutability of things, a belief in the reality of the ideal — all became the Greeks’ legacy to the world. Born out of a rough, dynamic—and often cruel— moment in human history, it was the dawn of enquiry, where these fundamental questions about self, city and cosmos, asked for the first time, became, as they remain, the unlikely bedrock of understanding.


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