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cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

Cuito Aurora Interiores Manimalistas

Cuito Aurora Interiores Manimalistas cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

In the interiors included in this volume, light, form, colour and texture get ride of the superfluousness in order to materialize pure spaces. Pictures in full colour in a small format book and great content. From the same collection: Hoteles, Banos, Cafes arquitectura e interiores, Casas, Oficinas, Chill out arquitectura e interiores, Diseno de casas, Diseno de interiores, Casas junto al agua, Gaudi, Hoteles, Small homes, Houses design, Interiores minimalistas, Lofts, Minimalism architecture, Arquitectura minimalista, Oficinas, Pequenos espacios domesticos, Piscinas, Legorreta & Legorreta, Restaurantes arquitectura e interiores, Restaurantes con terraza. Text in English, Spanish

1711 Руб.

Cuito Aurora Guggenheim

Cuito Aurora Guggenheim cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

This volume enters the spectacular spaces of the different Guggenheim museums around the world, with special attention to the one built in Bilbao and its surroundings, the pedestrian bridge and the Santiago Calatrava airport, the Palacio de Congresos. Containing an introduction with a brief description of the main protagonists, Solomon Robert Guggenheim, architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Peggy Guggenheim, Arata Isozaki, and the new Gehry project for New York. Architecture, design and full colour photographs.

1440 Руб.

Cuito Aurora Guggenheim

Cuito Aurora Guggenheim cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

Bilbao is concentrated almost in its entirety along the meandering final stretches of the River Nervion, a ria, or drowned river estuary. The stretch the city occupies is a hollow surrounded by mountains which form a natural barrier, giving rise to the traditional name of the city: botxo, which means "hole" in the Basque language. Bilbao was originally a fishing village on the banks of the ria, a key geographic feature in that it gave the city its raison d'etre and its importance. The ria has always been an excellent communication route between the sea and the inland area, and is navigable along most of its length. At present, commercial navigation - which still reaches as far up as the University of Deusto - is on the point of disappearing from the interior of the city. The numerous projects and urban planning alterations are progressively changing the physiognomy of the banks of the Nervion. Industrial development, which grew from the profits made from the iron market, created wealth and employment for almost a century. In 1985, however, the city experienced a profound economic crisis which led to the advent of post-industrialism -the manufacturing worker ceased to be a central supporting figure for industry, and the new urban classes, connected with communications, culture and leisure, built on the ruins of the old shipyards. At the beginning of the nineties Bilbao bounced back, and in a surprising manner: it was decided that a social change was needed, and this would begin with the construction of a museum. Close collaboration between the Basque authorities and the Guggenheim Foundation led to the creation of a new museum which would represent the current spirit of the city. This building, designed by Frank О. Gehry, was not the only change, however: Norman Foster designed the plans for the renovation of Bilbao Metro, and there was the Zubizuri bridge, the Santiago Calatrava airport terminal, the Palace of Congress and the Palace of Music (by Soriano and Palacios) as well as the urban planning reorganisation carried out by Cesar Pelli. All of these projects offer a new image of the city which attracts tourism, creates business opportunities and employment and which has, in short, turned Bilbao into one of the most emblematic cities in Europe, one which has a very bright future ahead of it. Text in English

1141 Руб.

Cuito Aurora Lofts minimalistas

Cuito Aurora Lofts minimalistas cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

The architects have converted industrial spaces into homes, offices and shops where the luxury consists of the perception of space. It includes descriptive texts, color, photos and detailed drawings. Other titles: - Minimalist interiors - Hotels, designer and design - Cafes, designer and design.

1440 Руб.

Cuito Aurora Maximalism/maximalismo

Cuito Aurora Maximalism/maximalismo cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

This new sensibility, which we have dared to call maximalism, brings together the intentions of designers who are building a new complex and eclectic modernity. As it occurs in each aesthetic trend born with energy, maximalism has shaken all the disciplines and even has contributed to the combination of all of them with the consequent derivation of new multidisciplinary material. Text in English, Spanish

576 Руб.

Cuito Aurora, Castillo Encarna Lofts

Cuito Aurora, Castillo Encarna Lofts cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

More than a new architectural typology, lofts have become a style of life. Ever since the 1950's when New York artists of scant resources occupied, in practically illegal ways, old factories and warehouses to set up their studios and homes, these diaphanous spaces have grown ever more important. Nowadays, they represent an important part of urban residences. Nowadays, the influence is so important that we can even see the construction of new blocks of dwellings that are very similar in design to the old factory premises. Text in English and Spanish.

1711 Руб.

Cuito Aurora, Canizares Ana Ultimate Hotel Design

Cuito Aurora, Canizares Ana Ultimate Hotel Design cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

Book DescriptionThis sumptuously illustrated, beautifully produced book takes the reader on a visual tour of more than sixty of the world's most outstanding hotels. Divided equally among metropolitan and resort hotels in North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East and packed with hundreds of color photographs, Ultimate Hotels is a must-have for anyone interested in distinctive style, service, and design in accommodations. Test in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

2161 Руб.

Cuito Aurora Cool Shops London/ Роскошные магазины Лондона

Cuito Aurora Cool Shops London/ Роскошные магазины Лондона cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

Данное издание служит проводником по лучшим магазинам и бутикам Лондона. Бутики этого города отличаются не только своим дизайном и архитектурой, но и известными именами кутюрье. Книга содержит карту, с помощью которой Вы можете смело отправляться за покупками! Книга на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском и испанском языках. Подарочное издание.

658 Руб.

Cuito Aurora, Asensio Paco Arquitectura de Casas. Spectacular Houses

Cuito Aurora, Asensio Paco Arquitectura de Casas. Spectacular Houses cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

Domestic architecture is a paradigm of evolution, a privileged field experimentation. It examines the domes tic aspirations of our time and places before us new lifestyles and speculations. Spectacular Houses features a selection of homes from the beginning of the new millennium. This selection examine houses that have broken away from the past and that define today's innovation and tomorrow's classicism. The book does not aim to convert these houses into prototypes to follow; they are included because they reflect the peculiarities of their era, sites and owners.

1055 Руб.

Castillo Encarna Interiores Maximalistas

Castillo Encarna Interiores Maximalistas cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

Maximalism is the biggest smaller brother, is the new famous cause. Including all exclusively. It conquers the divisionary ideology. Maximize to the maximum! = sometimes. Text in Spanish.

1921 Руб.

Cuito Aurora, Montes Cristina Antoni Gaudi: Полное собрание работ (на русском и итальянском языках)

Cuito Aurora, Montes Cristina Antoni Gaudi: Полное собрание работ (на русском и итальянском языках) cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

"Гауди был одним из самых выдающихся архитекторов на рубеже XIX-XX веков." Даниэль Гиральт-Мираклею Иллюстрированное двуязычное издание.

848 Руб.

Добровольский Владимир El Ermitage: Los Interiores

Добровольский Владимир El Ermitage: Los Interiores cuito aurora interiores manimalistas

El Ermitage es un gran museo raso у universal. En San Petersburgo vienen a verlo millones de personas, pero ha conseguido conservar el sentido de su nombre que le fue dado por su fundadora - Catalina II. Incluso en nuestros dias el Ermitage sigue siendo un "lugar de retiro". En todos los tiempos у con todos los regimenes la gente ha podido refugiarse aqui de los problemas cotidianos del mundo exterior. Издание на испанском языке.

3746 Руб.

Aurora Aurora 7498 Стекло защитное Aurora-777 наружное 115х90 мм

Aurora Aurora 7498 Стекло защитное Aurora-777 наружное 115х90 мм cuito aurora interiores manimalistas
Бренд: Aurora

Aurora Aurora 7498 Стекло защитное Aurora-777 наружное 115х90 мм

280 Руб.

Стекло защитное Aurora-777 наружное 115х90мм (5 шт)

Стекло защитное Aurora-777 наружное 115х90мм (5 шт) cuito aurora interiores manimalistas
Бренд: Aurora

Стекло защитное Aurora-777 предназначено для установки на сварочные маски:Маска Хамелеон Aurora A-998F Black CosmoМаска Хамелеон Aurora A-777 Russian StyleМаска Хамелеон Aurora A-777 CarbonМаска Хамелеон Aurora A-777 AmericanМаска Хамелеон Aurora A-777 Heavy MetallМаска Хамелеон Aurora A-777 Автомастер.Так же возможно применение с аналогичными масками идентичных размеров.

575 Руб.

Окучник Всеволожский ремонтно-механический завод

Окучник Всеволожский ремонтно-механический завод cuito aurora interiores manimalistas
Бренд: Всеволожский ремонтно-механический завод

Окучник для легких и средних агрегатов. Используется для нарезания борозд под посадку и окучивания почвы (рыхление с одновременным приваливанием почвы из междурядий к нижним частям растений). Девять отверстий в крепежной стойке служат для регулировки высоты и заглубления изделия. Рекомендован для работ на легких, сухих, культивированных почвах. Совместимость: "Нева Супер" "Нева" МК 200 "WEIMA" WM1100, Aurora COUNTRY 1050, Aurora COUNTRY 1050 ADVANCE, Aurora SPACE-YARD 1050D, Aurora SPACE-YARD 1350D, Champion BC 1193 НМБ-1 "Угра", МБ-90 "Мул" "WEIMA" WM900, Aurora GARDENER 750, Aurora GARDENER 750 SMART, Aurora COUNTRY 800 HD, Aurora COUNTRY 1000, Aurora SPACE-YARD 1000D SMART.

1400 Руб.

Cutrin Aurora Окислитель (эмульсия, оксигент, оксид) для красителя 12%, 1000мл

Cutrin Aurora Окислитель (эмульсия, оксигент, оксид) для красителя 12%, 1000мл cuito aurora interiores manimalistas
Бренд: Cutrin

Окислители Aurora подходят для использования как с перманентным, так и безаммиачным красителем. Оптимальное попадание в тон обеспечивается при соблюдении инструкций к красителю. Выбор окислителя для перманентных красителей Cutrin Aurora:- Cutrin Aurora Окислитель 3% - окрашивание тон в тон или темнее;- Cutrin Aurora Окислитель 4,5% - окрашивание тон в тон или темнее для резистентных волос;- Cutrin Aurora Окислитель 6% - для осветления на 1 уровень тона, окрашивание седины;- Cutrin Aurora Окислитель 9% -для осветления на 2 уровня тона;- Cutrin Aurora Окислитель 12% - для осветления на 3-4 уровня тона

1748 Руб.

Bilbao is concentrated almost in its entirety along the meandering final stretches of the River Nervion, a ria, or drowned river estuary. The stretch the city occupies is a hollow surrounded by mountains which form a natural barrier, giving rise to the traditional name of the city: botxo, which means "hole" in the Basque language. Bilbao was originally a fishing village on the banks of the ria, a key geographic feature in that it gave the city its raison d'etre and its importance. The ria has always been an excellent communication route between the sea and the inland area, and is navigable along most of its length. At present, commercial navigation - which still reaches as far up as the University of Deusto - is on the point of disappearing from the interior of the city. The numerous projects and urban planning alterations are progressively changing the physiognomy of the banks of the Nervion. Industrial development, which grew from the profits made from the iron market, created wealth and employment for almost a century. In 1985, however, the city experienced a profound economic crisis which led to the advent of post-industrialism -the manufacturing worker ceased to be a central supporting figure for industry, and the new urban classes, connected with communications, culture and leisure, built on the ruins of the old shipyards. At the beginning of the nineties Bilbao bounced back, and in a surprising manner: it was decided that a social change was needed, and this would begin with the construction of a museum. Close collaboration between the Basque authorities and the Guggenheim Foundation led to the creation of a new museum which would represent the current spirit of the city. This building, designed by Frank О. Gehry, was not the only change, however: Norman Foster designed the plans for the renovation of Bilbao Metro, and there was the Zubizuri bridge, the Santiago Calatrava airport terminal, the Palace of Congress and the Palace of Music (by Soriano and Palacios) as well as the urban planning reorganisation carried out by Cesar Pelli. All of these projects offer a new image of the city which attracts tourism, creates business opportunities and employment and which has, in short, turned Bilbao into one of the most emblematic cities in Europe, one which has a very bright future ahead of it. Text in English


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