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christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Christie Agatha Le Crime de l'Orient-Express

Christie Agatha Le Crime de l'Orient-Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Par le plus grand des hasards, Hercule Poirot se trouve dans la voiture de l’Orient-Express – ce train de luxe qui traverse l’Europe – ou un crime feroce a ete commis. Une des plus difficiles et des plus delicates enquetes commence pour le fameux detective belge. Autour de ce cadavre, trop de suspects, trop d’alibis.

1996 Руб.

Christie Agatha Le crime d'Halloween

Christie Agatha Le crime d'Halloween christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Le 31 octobre, les sorcieres s'envolent sur leur manche a balai : c'est Halloween, la fete du potiron. "Savez-vous que j'ai eu l'occasion d'assister a un vrai meurtre ? " se vante Joyce, une fillette a la langue bien pendue, lors d'une soiree enfantine chez Mrs Drake... Elle en mourra.

1996 Руб.

Christie Agatha Affaires de famille. La Mystérieuse Affaire de Styles. Témoin muet

Christie Agatha Affaires de famille. La Mystérieuse Affaire de Styles. Témoin muet christie agatha le crime de l orient express

La Mysterieuse Affaire de Styles (1920) : Qui avait interet a assassiner Mrs Ingelthorp, la richissime proprietaire du domaine de Styles? Pratiquement tous ceux qui l’entouraient. Qui est le coupable ideal ? Le second et jeune mari de la victime… Le premier roman d’Agatha Christie. Temoin muet (1937) : Charles ? Un mauvais sujet. Therese ? Trop maquillee. Bella ? Une idiote. Bref, ni le neveu ni les nieces de miss Arundell ne trouvent grace a ses yeux. Dommage ! Ils auraient tellement besoin de son soutien… financier. Peut-etre pourrait-on l’aider a quitter ce monde ? Deux romans et une situation comme les aime Agatha Christie : un meurtre, un heritage plein de promesses, une foule de suspects… et Hercule Poirot qui ne s’en laisse pas conter.

2672 Руб.

Christie Agatha Le Crime est notre affaire

Christie Agatha Le Crime est notre affaire christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Ah ! pourchasser les criminels... quelle occupation passionnante ! Tommy et Tuppence Beresford, a la tete de leur agence, dont ils sont les seuls membres, partent a chaque fois pleins d'enthousiasme et d'humour. Demasquer les espions et les empoisonneurs, demolir les faux alibis et pourfendre les esprits frappeurs... Ils savent tout faire ! D'ailleurs, ne connaissent-ils pas sur le bout des doigts les exploits de tous les plus grands detectives de romans policiers ?

1996 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Широко известный детектив Агаты Кристи может быть использован в качестве книги для домашнего чтения и пересказа произведения в целях развития навыков устной речи на начальном этапе изучения английского языка школьниками, студентами и слушателями языковых курсов.

177 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Трансъевропейский экспресс оказывается в снежном плену на пути следования из Стамбула в Кале. Сильный снегопад вынуждает машиниста остановить поезд в поле. Между тем в одном из купе обнаруживают тело убитого американца. За расследование этого убийства берётся необычный пассажир, знаменитый бельгийский детектив, Эркюль Пуаро. В книге представлен сокращённый и адаптированный текст уровня B1.

260 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, detective Hercule Poirot must identify the murderer - in case he or she decides to strike again.

1707 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

A murder is discovered on the Orient Express, just as snow stops the train in the mountains for days. There is a killer on board – but who is it? World-famous detective Hercule Poirot promises to find the truth, in one of Agatha Christie’s greatest and most popular mysteries.

2315 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Книга для чтения на английском языке. В занесенном снегом Восточном экспрессе обнаруживается труп. Спальный вагон полон, что нетипично для этого времени года. Эркюль Пуаро, с трудом доставший билет на Восточный экспресс (дела государственной важности - непременно надо ехать!), пытается найти злодея, что не так-то просто: на трупе столько ран и они такие разные! Несомненно одно: преступник все еще находится в поезде. Разумеется, Эркюль Пуаро как всегда блестяще раскрывает таинственное убийство. Неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала снабжен подробными комментариями и небольшим словарем. Книга предназначена для студентов языковых вузов и всех интересующихся английским языком.

408 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder On The Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder On The Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Убийство в Восточном экспрессе (1934) считается наиболее загадочным и виртуозным произведением Агаты Кристи. Действие романа разворачивается в трансъевропейском экспрессе, следующем из Стамбула в Кале. Попав в сильный снегопад, машинист вынужден остановить поезд в чистом поле. Таким образом все оказываются в снежном плену, между тем как в одном из купе обнаруживают тело убитого пассажира. За расследование этого убийства берется Эркюль Пуаро.

384 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder On The Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder On The Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Agatha Christie’s most famous murder mystery, reissued with a new cover to tie in with the hugely anticipated 2017 film adaptation. Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, detective Hercule Poirot must identify the murderer – in case he or she decides to strike again.

1681 Руб.

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express

Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover with special finishes. Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, detective Hercule Poirot must identify the murderer - in case he or she decides to strike again.

2863 Руб.

Christie Agatha Poirot Halloween. Le Vallon. Le Crime d’Halloween

Christie Agatha Poirot Halloween. Le Vallon. Le Crime d’Halloween christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Le Vallon (1946) : Lady Angkatell invite quelques amis a passer le week-end dans sa somptueuse propriete du Vallon. Quand on retrouve le corps du docteur John Christow flottant a la surface de la piscine et, sur le bord, sa femme, prostree, tenant un revolver a la main, tous les convives sont sous le choc ! Le Crime d’Halloween (1969) : Le 31 octobre, c’est la fete du potiron ! Pour marquer l’evenement, la romanciere Mrs Drake organise une soiree pour les enfants du village. « Un jour, j’ai assiste a un meurtre », se vante Joyce, une fillette a la langue bien pendue. Bien sur, personne ne la prend au serieux. Pourtant, c’est bien son cadavre qui est retrouve dans la bibliotheque. Pour Hercule Poirot, ces affaires relevent de la routine. Mais une trop evidente simplicite peut se reveler plus complexe qu’il n’y parait. Le celebre detective trouve ici des adversaires a sa mesure.

2672 Руб.

Christie Agatha, Честертон Гилберт Кит, Сэйерс Дороти Ли The Floating Admiral

Christie Agatha, Честертон Гилберт Кит, Сэйерс Дороти Ли The Floating Admiral christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton and nine other writers from the legendary Detection Club collaborate in this fiendishly clever but forgotten crime novel first published 80 years ago. Inspector Rudge does not encounter many cases of murder in the sleepy seaside town of Whynmouth. But when an old sailor lands a rowing boat containing a fresh corpse with a stab wound to the chest, the Inspector's investigation immediately comes up against several obstacles. The vicar, whose boat the body was found in, is clearly withholding information, and the victim's niece has disappeared. There is clearly more to this case than meets the eye – even the identity of the victim is called into doubt. Inspector Rudge begins to wonder just how many people have contributed to this extraordinary crime and whether he will ever unravel it… In 1931, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers and ten other crime writers from the newly-formed ‘Detection Club’ collaborated in publishing a unique crime novel. In a literary game of consequences, each author would write one chapter, leaving G.K. Chesterton to write a typically paradoxical prologue and Anthony Berkeley to tie up all the loose ends. In addition, each of the authors provided their own solution in a sealed envelope, all of which appeared at the end of the book, with Agatha Christie’s ingenious conclusion acknowledged at the time to be ‘enough to make the book worth buying on its own’. The authors of this novel are: G. K. Chesterton, Canon Victor Whitechurch, G. D. H. Cole and Margaret Cole, Henry Wade, Agatha Christie, John Rhode, Milward Kennedy, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ronald Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, Clemence Dane and Anthony Berkeley.

1891 Руб.

McRae G. Roy The Passing of Mr Quinn

McRae G. Roy The Passing of Mr Quinn christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Reprinted for the first time in almost 90 years, this original novelisation of the very first Agatha Christie film is a unique record of the Queen of Crime’s movie debut and a bold attempt to turn one of her favourite short stories into a thrilling silent movie. Who poisoned the cruel and sinister Professor Appleby? Derek Capel, his neighbour, in love with the Professor’s wife, Eleanor? Vera, the house-parlourmaid, Appleby’s mistress? Or was it Eleanor Appleby herself? All three could be reasonably suspected of a motive which would prompt them to poison the most hateful villain who ever crossed the pages of fiction . . . The first ever Agatha Christie film was a 1928 black and white silent movie, loosely based on her first ‘Harley Quin’ story. Although no script or print of the film survives, this rare novelisation from the same year is a unique record of Christie’s first association with the motion picture industry – now in its remarkable tenth decade with the release of Kenneth Branagh’s Murder on the Orient Express. This new Detective Club edition includes an introduction by film and television historian Mark Aldridge, author of the authoritative Agatha Christie On Screen (2016), who reveals why the film’s harshest critic was Agatha Christie herself.

2017 Руб.

Christie Agatha Partners in Crime

Christie Agatha Partners in Crime christie agatha le crime de l orient express

Тихая и мирная жизнь царит в доме мистера и миссис Бересфорд. С момента раскрытия ими последнего дела прошло уже 6 лет. У Томми небольшая должность в Британской Секретной службе, а Таппенс все время проводит дома. Привычный уклад меняет приход мистера Картера. Он предлагает Томми возглавить частное сыскное агентство под видом Теодора Бланта, который находится в тюрьме.

197 Руб.

Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton and nine other writers from the legendary Detection Club collaborate in this fiendishly clever but forgotten crime novel first published 80 years ago. Inspector Rudge does not encounter many cases of murder in the sleepy seaside town of Whynmouth. But when an old sailor lands a rowing boat containing a fresh corpse with a stab wound to the chest, the Inspector's investigation immediately comes up against several obstacles. The vicar, whose boat the body was found in, is clearly withholding information, and the victim's niece has disappeared. There is clearly more to this case than meets the eye – even the identity of the victim is called into doubt. Inspector Rudge begins to wonder just how many people have contributed to this extraordinary crime and whether he will ever unravel it… In 1931, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers and ten other crime writers from the newly-formed ‘Detection Club’ collaborated in publishing a unique crime novel. In a literary game of consequences, each author would write one chapter, leaving G.K. Chesterton to write a typically paradoxical prologue and Anthony Berkeley to tie up all the loose ends. In addition, each of the authors provided their own solution in a sealed envelope, all of which appeared at the end of the book, with Agatha Christie’s ingenious conclusion acknowledged at the time to be ‘enough to make the book worth buying on its own’. The authors of this novel are: G. K. Chesterton, Canon Victor Whitechurch, G. D. H. Cole and Margaret Cole, Henry Wade, Agatha Christie, John Rhode, Milward Kennedy, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ronald Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, Clemence Dane and Anthony Berkeley.


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